Finite Element Analysis of an Amusement Park Ride

MJ Engineering was retained by a ride manufacturer of an amusement park ride to make sure the ride met US standards for a Virginia-based amusement park. To demonstrate that the structure conformed to local, state and federal regulations, MJ Engineering performed a finite element analysis of the structure under dynamic and static loads. We also helped to establish or guide the design of a number of different control systems including speed and safety controls. To make sure the ride was installed properly, MJ Engineering provided guidance and analysis throughout the entire installation process. Using a variety of specifications (ASTM F2291, AISC 316, AISC M015, ANSI B11.TR3, ANSI B77.1, ASME B15.1, ANSI/AWS D1.1, D14.4, BS 5400-10, SAE T833, ASCE 7) we were able to see that each segment of the ride conformed to the required standards (ASTM, AISC, ANSI, ASME, AWS, BS, SAE, ASCE).
For more information about our finite element analysis of this amusement park ride contact MJ Engineering or see below for details.
Project Description
MJ Engineering structurally reviewed this amusement park ride for Certification within the United States.
Capabilities Applied/Processes
- Performed FEA Analysis of the Structure under dynamic & static loads.
- Analyzed ride under wind loads & seismic loads to demonstrate the structure conformed to the Local/State/Federal Regulations
Help to establish or guide the design of the following control systems
- Control Cycle
- Speed Control (braking)
- Safety Controls
- Operator Feedback
Provide Guidance and Analysis to the Customer During Installation
Confirm The Ride Conforms to Amusement Park Standards when Installed
Process Requirements
Specifications that were applied to various segments of the ride:
- ASTM F2291
- AISC 316
- AISC M015
- ANSI B11.TR3
- ANSI B77.1
- ASME B15.1
- ANSI/AWS D1.1, D14.4
- BS 5400-10
- SAE T833
- ASCE 7
More Info
Industry for Use
Amusement Park
Delivery Location
Standards Met
Product Name
Finite Element Analysis of Amusement Park Ride